Thinking of purchasing a new computer? Have you been looking at the low pricing of pre-built systems in retail stores? WAIT! They may sound like good deals now, but most pre-built name brand systems are proprietary machines. In order to upgrade or repair a proprietary computer, most of the time requires sending the computer away to the original manufacturer for weeks, even months at a time, leaving you without a computer for an unknown period of time with no way of finding out how the progress on your computer is going.

All of our systems are custom-built machines, and use hi-grade and standard computer components. This brings you the customizations you need to optimize your time and computing abilities. If you are unsure if a custom-built system is right for you, give us a call and we'll be happy to talk to you about the advantages of custom-built machines over name brand retail systems. Our 30 years of experience will allow us to greatly help you to make a sound decision as to what type of system and solutions would be best suited for your needs.

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